Tales of a Mississippian in the world of Big Red, cowboys, and Pine Cove...Welcome to Texas.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Kirks come to Tyler!

Here's a sneak peak at my new room in Tyler! My parents drove in today to drop off some furniture...woop woop! We ate at a great barbecue place called the Purple Pig, and then I gave them a tour of our 6 Pine Cove camps we have here in Tyler: Woods, Towers, Bluffs, Ranch, Timbers, and my camp...the SHORES! Dad just got a new phone with a camera which has made this trip quite entertaining. Today all of the guest relations girls moved into one house...talk about beautiful chaos. Psalm 101:2 "I will be careful to lead a blameless life-when will you come back to me? I will walk in my house with blameless heart." That's my prayer for this home the Lord has given to me. Praise Him for His provisions!


  1. SISTER! Love the blog...and dad's camera phone cracks me up. Love your cute room too! Glad you are happy there!

  2. now we're officially blog friends!
